Induction Programme for Youth Ambassadors from Karnataka State-Preventing and Responding to Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

The extensive two-day training session concluded successfully, uniting change agents and movement leaders from the IMAGE Next project. Hosted in Belagavi on the 20th and 21st of March, the event witnessed enthusiastic engagement from a collective of 32 participants.The focus of the training was on empowering Youth Ambassadors from Karnataka State to effectively prevent and respond to […]

A Newfound Hope

When Susan saw the scores on her 8th class mark sheet, she was happy to see how well she had performed. Dreaming of the new books, notebooks, colourful pens and new school uniform, Susan couldn’t contain her happiness the whole summer break waiting for the new session to kickstart. What felt like a dreamy summer, […]

Mental Health matters

Meena, an 18-year-old EMG who lives in South Karnataka received a phone call from her husband on a sunny June day, informing her that he wouldn’t come home for a few days. Meena’s heart dropped as she didn’t understand why her husband who was otherwise supportive would not return home and leave the responsibility of their two children […]

Overcoming the pandemic

Anjali, an active movement leader lives in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka. Soon after she became a teenager, her father planned to get her married. She had no choice but to accept the decision of her father and move to her in-law’s house at such a tender age. She took upon her shoulder innumerable household chores of […]

Speaking Truth, Saving Lives

Unlike a lot of children, Aruna didn’t experience a carefree childhood. Rather than playing with toys, Aruna used to sell toys with her parents at a nearby temple to ensure their survival. As soon as Aruna turned 15, her parents married her off to a construction worker. Aruna’s suffering didn’t end there; in fact, it […]