We Connect with grassroots organisations

Our Consortium Members

The IMAGE project implemented by a consortium formed with six civil society organisations in five districts of Karnataka state.

Our Global Funders

The Comic Relief Fund, UK funding with a vision to create a just world free from poverty. Since 25 year, they've funded to work that fights for equality and against discriminations. The CRF, is major funder to the IMAGE Next project to nurturing the movement of girls and young women as agents of change to ascertain their rights.

Terre des Hommes Netherlands, prevents child exploitations, removes children from exploitative situations and ensures theses children can develop themselves in a safe environment. And also one of the co funder for the IMAGE scale up project for the project period from 2019- 2024.

Strategic and Technical partners

Vidyanikethan, a not for profit organisation founded in 1988 to improve the lives and livelihoods of individuals and families, especially children and women, from low income groups. The organisation coordinating to implementing the project in Bidar district.

Children of India, a non profit organisation registered in Coimbatore engages in work related to education, health, livelihoods and emergency.


Child Rights Trust is a public charitable organisation which works for and with children, without distinction of religion, caste, creed, gender or social status.

Implementing Partners

Society for Empowerment through Voluntary Action in Karnataka (SEVAK) works with communities to form and strengthen community based organisations in Karnataka. Its promotes livelihood opportunities and works on child rights in the Belagavi district.

People's Movement for Self Reliance (PMSR) aims towards bringing transformation in the lives of children living in exploitative and difficult situations by providing them access to education and promoting child rights in the Chamarajanagar district.

Arpanam Trust works for the empowerment of children in difficult situations in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, focusing on child protection and child rights in the Chikkaballapura district.

Rural Environmental Awareness Community Help (REACH) has been involved in the process of empowering the rural poor since 1992 with a focus on women in the district of Bagalkot.